Science for Girls is Science for All
Despite decades of attention, girls and women remain underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics fields. The reasons for this are not a mystery. Cultural norms, traditional science teaching, and the climate of science practice all send the clear message that girls are not welcome here.
Chicks Dig Science presents information on practices that work for engaging girls (and lots more students) with science and resources for parents and teachers who want to support girls in their lives and classrooms.
Check out the SLOG (science blog) in the coming weeks for posts on interesting research, insights, and easy to understand syntheses of theory in science motivation.
Calling Girl Scientist Artists!
ChicksDigScience is looking for original art to include in the SLOG! All present and former SPICE campers and volunteers are encouraged to submit entries. More details
Image Credit: Pearl Kim
Coming Soon! The resources page will provide content and links to useful sites for engaging girls with science.
In the meantime, check this out!
This site and the blog will not be addressing arguments about girls innate abilities vis a vis math and science. Theories that girls just are not good at science have been thoroughly debunked and merit no further discussion here.